Patent Registration

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Advantages of Patent

  • Patent protects invention: It an intellectual property which protects your invention and prevents other to use it without your prior permission.
  • Sell or transfer patent right: Registration of patent allows you sell,transfer or franchise your patent. This will help you to raise more revenue.
  • Patent valid for 20 years: Your invention gets protection for a particular period which helps you to protect your invention.


    • The Patenting system in India is governed by the Patents Act, 1970 & The Patents Rules 1972.
    • This right excludes others from making, processing, producing, using, selling, and importing the product or process in India without patent owner’s consent.

    Patent Registration

    A patent registration helps you to get a patent of an itellectual property right to an invention carried out by an individual or firm. IP department has been initiated by Indian government to grant you the full right to register your invention under patent (but only if it is unique). In return the inventor must produce all the proofs related to the invention as asked by the government. It also ensures that owner gets more preference over other person for your particular invention. In India, Patent is being governed by the Patent Act 1970 & Patent Rules 1972.

    What Is Included In Our Package?

    • Prior Art Search

    • Application Drafting

    • Application Filing

    • Government Fees

    Procedure For Copyright Registration


    Complete our Simple Form


    Conduct Patent Search


    Prepare Application


    Patent Submission


    Your work is completed

    Why Patent Registration

    • Get royalty by licensing your patent
    • Protection for a period of 20 years in India
    • You can then utilize your invention yourself.
    • Stop others from using your invention without your permission

    Criteria for filing a Patent

    Novelty: i.e. some part of it has a new development and has not been published in India or elsewhere before the date of filing of the patent application in India.
    Inventive Step/Non Obvious: If someone who is skilled in that particular field would consider the invention to be an unexpected or surprising development on the />invention date.
    Industrial Applicability: Invention should be useful, such that it can be used in an industry.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1What can be patented?
    It can be any invention related to work, manufacturing, the machine, process, computer software or any other which was never introduced to the public before. If a patent is granted in India does it mean that it will protect my invention outside India as well? A patent granted in India is applicable only in India i.e. a patent owner cannot exercise his rights outside India. If the patent owner wants to get protection in countries outside India then they can apply for the same in other countries within 12 months of getting a patent in India.
    2Should i patent my publication before or after publishing the details of invention?
    To patent an invention in India it should fulfil the patentability criteria of being novel and non-obvious. Thus if it is published, invention ceases to be novel and hence cannot be patented thereafter.
    3Do i need professional help to draft and file an application for a patent on my behalf?
    Applicants can draft their own application in general. But it is highly advisable to take professional help as it is a complex process and may require technical as well as legal knowledge.
    4Is it possible to keep my invention secret after getting a patent for it?
    No, the patents are granted on the condition that the details will be disclosed to the general public. Hence it is not possible to keep it a secret.

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